Not to be confused with First Maroon War.
- March 9, 1748 - Peshwa (Prime Minister) Suraj Mal of Mysore-India declares open rebellion against the Company Raj. // Great Britain declares war on the Sepoy Mutiny. // Peshwa is immediately pushed to the northern Punjab territories, due to stiff British resistance.
- March 10, 1748 - Lord Speaker, the Earl Grey, meets with Sarunu Grandmaster, Ronald Cobens. The meeting goes sour, and a skirmish ensues, with the Sarunu fleeing. // Sarunu Ukranian Insurgency joins the war on the side of the Sepoys.
- March 11, 1748 - Sardinia declares war in support of the British and Spanish faction. \\ Peshwa Suraj Mal, former Peshwa of Mysore-India, is captured by British troops following a duel with the Prime Minister. // Spanish Expeditionary Force is deployed to the Black Sea. // Peshwa Suraj Mal escapes the Tower, and returns to India to continue leading the rebellion.
- March 12, 1748 - 12 First rate SOTL's bombarded a Mutineer post in Laccadive, effectively destroying a Sepoy army.
- March 13, 1748 - The Spanish Expeditionary Force under Prince Jorge Clemente arrives in India. They are welcomed by the British embassy.
- March 14, 1748 - News arrives of the death of the Governor-General of India, Sir Richard Venables in a vicious attack on Calcutta. 5,000 British soldiers are lost, with the Indians suffering a staggering 23,000. The Peshwa, Suraj Mal, is believed to be in critical condition. Prince Jorge Clemente, British Rear Admiral and Ambassador to Britain takes command. // Ishmael led his Sardinia forces against the Sepoy army in India but they nearly took heavy casualties by taking one of their fort.
- March 15, 1748 - Richard Venables' settlement meeting was planned, but later shifted to the next day. // A letter sent by Rear Admiral Jorge Clemente urges Peshwa Suraj Mal to meet him on the field of battle. The battle is set for the 17th of March.
- March 16, 1748 - Richard Venables' settlement meeting is held. The Saranu attack, Piri Reis shoots Goldtimbers through the heart. Reis is then hanged, drawn, and quartered. Cobens escapes by jumping out of the window and fleeing towards Scotland. As a result, Lord Speaker, Sir Joseph Grey, is appointed Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland.
- March 17, 1748 - The Earl Harrington, Sir Samuel Harrington, is appointed as the successor of Richard Venables as Governor-General of India. He travels to India immediately.
- March 18, 1748 - Ronald Cobens agrees to hold a trial for himself in Kiev, after direct negotiation with Prime Minister Grey. // Jorge Clemente entrenches his army outside Calcutta.