British Empire Wiki

Johnny Goldtimbers Johnny Goldtimbers 7 July 2022

My formal resignation as Prime Minister

It is clearly now the will of the parliamentary Whig Party that there should be a new leader of that party and therefore a new prime minister, and I've agreed with Sir Roger Atkinson, the chairman of our backbench MPs, that the process of choosing that new leader should begin now and the timetable will be announced next week. And I've today appointed a cabinet to serve, as I will, until the new leader is in place.

So I want to say to the millions of people who voted for us in 1747, many of them voting Whig for the first time: Thank you for that incredible mandate, the biggest Conservative majority since 1734, the biggest share of the vote since 1722.

And the reason I have fought so hard in the last few days to continue to deliver that mandat…

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Johnny Goldtimbers Johnny Goldtimbers 5 January 2019

Referendum Vote: Demotion of resigned bureaucrats

4 JANUARY 1752 (2019)



This past year has been hard, and I'm glad it's finally over, but several resignations have still not been fully made;

It has been 3+ months since the mass resignations of several members of HM Cabinet, this includes Lord Andrew Mallace, and Joseph Grey., as well as the retirement of Nathaniel Huntington. Lord Huntington has complied and has stepped down from all wiki bureaucratic roles, Lord Mallace, and the Earl Grey have not, hence this blog has been created.

NOTE: This vote is for British citizens ONLY, any non-citizens that comment will not be counted. 

  1. Johnny Goldtimbers
  2. Jeremiah Sharkbones
  3. Marc Warfury
  4. Marc Swordbreaker
  5. Roger Gunshot
  6. Emdegrassi (Thomas McWard)
  7. Bart Swordfury

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Bart Swordfury Bart Swordfury 3 January 2019

A new years collective...

I would love to wish everyone a happy and glorious new year, this year awaits many victories and new alliances. This will be my 7th year with the empire, along side this I have taken a job that requires my attention Wed-Sunday but I have made arrangements for events and God willing, even official meetings within the Marines. I would love to thank all of my friends and comrades along my long journey here, from a child now to a careered young man with goals and principals. I wish to thank Giovanni for putting up with my poor political skills and my ever growing attempts to interject myself into roles of blundering and dull importance. I have not left and do not plan on it, on the other side I wish to say a fond farewell to our former Co-GM N…

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Lord Andrew Mallace Lord Andrew Mallace 31 March 2018

Resignation of Lord Andrew Norrington Mallace II, Effective Immediately


31 MARCH 1751




it is with great regret, but many great memories, that I announce my resignation as His Majesty's Lord Chancellor, the Deliverer of Justice, the Highest of all Magistrates. I hereby suspend all of my ranks, including Keeper of the Great Seal of the Realm, Leader of the Tories, De-facto Lord Speaker and MP for Southwark, among others. I'm sure they'll call a crack-election to replace me. These past 9 years have seen me well.

My disagreements with the leadership of this nation have grown thick. I have watched this nation grow from a small, underrecognized trading company to the most powerful CRP nation the game has ever known. I could not be prouder of our achievemen…

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Faraday Cousins Faraday Cousins 19 February 2018

Poor Health and Personal Farewells

Hello all.

I've had, until recently, a long-standing policy not to disclose too much of my personal matters. Unfortunately, a recent and dramatic decline in my health has thrown me out of commission. It started, I suppose, when my diet and eating schedule began to fluctuate too much. See, over the last few years, I've gone from eating regularly, to long periods of little to no intake (to the point of looking like I was already dead), to OVEREATING just to make up for the loss, and right back to the start of the cycle. All that is finally catching up to me and it's not going well. I just wanted to take this time to make amends, with whoever I can, as it may likely be the last chance I have to reconcile. I understand I've been an asshole, and…

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Faraday Cousins Faraday Cousins 30 October 2017

A Bitter and Long-overdue Farewell

​Dear CRP community,

​For ages, I have been quite the bastard in RP. But this should not be about me. Instead, let be for you. You have had to put up with my bullshit for far too long, and it's made RP pretty fucking retarded for all of you. The time has come for me to retire from the games, discords, and the communities. I have a life to lead and I'm bringing the worst of myself to the table by being involved with you guys. Some of you may already know that I volunteer at a wildlife refuge and am an instructor with an education program in the Pinelands. I am also working full-time and attending school part-time. Aside from that, I am also in the National Society for Leadership and Success. Everything IRL I am doing is so that I can have a …

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Ishmael Venables Ishmael Venables 9 December 2014

Who I imagine you all from Call of Duty

  • 1 Myself
  • 2 Johnny Goldtimbers
  • 3 Mark Ironskull
  • 4 Taylor1357
  • 5 Richard Venables
  • 6 Hannah Bluefeather
  • 7 Blake
  • 8 Ryan
  • 9 More is coming!

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G-man. G-man. 26 July 2017


My fellow Britons, those present from nations overseas, I speak to you today not as a high commanding officer of Great Britain and Ireland. I speak to you as the King and Grand Duke of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, a nation which has been, and is one of Britain’s closest allies.

In my time I have been many things, held many positions, and been in many guilds. From Prince of Spain, to Emperor of Japan, to Prince and Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, to King of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Prussia, and HCO of Britain, one person has been with me through all of that. One person that I never lost the support of, the person that I led one of the best SvS guilds with. That person is Ben Squidskull (Dandandrago…

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Sir Joseph Grey Sir Joseph Grey 8 May 2017

The British Government - A Guide

  • 1 The Cabinet
    • 1.1 Cabinet Offices
    • 1.2 Cabinet Members
  • 2 Parliament
    • 2.1 Notable Parliament positions
    • 2.2 Parliament position holders
  • 3 Military
    • 3.1 War Office
    • 3.2 Board of Admiralty
    • 3.3 List

  1. Prime Minister - The second-in-command to the monarch. It is the Prime Minister who controls the majority of Parliament, assumes post as leader in the absence of the monarch, and is head of HM Government during parliamentary debates. Leads all political, economical, military affairs, and is the leading figure in the government next to the King and oversees government in general. The Prime Minister may be a Lord or a Commoner.
  2. Chancellor of the Exchequer (Economic Minister) - A senior official within the Government and head of His Majesty's Treasury. The office is a British …

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LawIronhawk LawIronhawk 25 April 2017

Petition to Help the Pope

Hello, friends, it's been a while since I made a bog, however something has come up that has simply forced me to react. It has come to my attention that the Pope has joined the TLOPO RP Discord to join us in our roleplaying. However, after a concerned citizen of the Discord asked a moderator to authenticate the Pope, the moderator declined, forcing the Pope into a perpetual mute. This is shameful behavior that must be stopped.

I hereby declare this a petition to end the abuse of Pope Benedict XIV. Should we gain at least fifteen signatures, I will be personally presenting this to the administration of the TLOPO RP Discord to demand the Pope's authentication for the improvement of roleplay. Please voice your support in the comments with your…

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Johnny Goldtimbers Johnny Goldtimbers 23 March 2017

Invitation to all nations: Congress of Vienna



Click here to join the discord …

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Grim Reaper Wahl Grim Reaper Wahl 14 February 2017

Beware the Black Spot...

On the night I confiscated deserters from British Army and Navy, the night I started becoming a true leader of Nassau, I made clear my position that there would be two sorts of people on the island going forward...those like Roland Gunwale who were determined to stand by their oath until their last breath, and those like your true, loyal, and precious English soldiers who serve King George himself, yet who would be happy to be the first to betray him. And thus always, to traitors... This man named James Goldtimbers who dared to try to steal Nassau's truest and most loyal soldiers - and those who swore their oath to their King - as of tonight will earn a Black Spot for themselves as James Goldtimbers has. His black spot will not be the last…

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Rose Beckett Rose Beckett 9 February 2017

To leave because of others?

Certain members of the community want to close this wikia's chat and only open it up for special events and move us all permenately to discord, I would like to know how many people are for it, and how many are against it. It seems to much work to take chat on and off the wikia, it would be best to leave the chat open personally, cause i know multiple people use tabs to be both in wikia and discord. I think it's best to leave people the opportunity to be in both chats, epecially for our inactive members who come only every few months, that wouldn't ever get the discord link if we close this chat.

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Grim Reaper Wahl Grim Reaper Wahl 5 February 2017

A Warning Letter to the Tea Drinkers

To the Cabinet of England, You have controlled us for many years now, and it seems to me that you dare to challenge the authority of the piracy. I will not allow this to happen to me and my people. I will see to it that you and your people will burn for the great many terrible things that you all have done, and the harm you've inflicted upon us. I've destroyed many English ships and disrupted their trading goods and so shall grant you this warning: Your World and your precious empire will be destroyed, you will give me back the province of Nassau to my own kind and my people. England has shown Herself to me; gnarled and grey, and spiteful of anyone who would find happiness under Her rule. I'm through seeking anything from England except he…

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909090L 909090L 3 February 2017

A fresh start

Dear POTCO Community/EITC. British Empire    My actions from my start into the company (09-2011-final days), into a great army of brotherhood. I have failed you all deeply. Growing up I did not, handle critical problems within my personal life maturely and respectfully. I did not seek the much needed help and blocked others from helping or to understand my life. I suffered from a drug problem in my personal life, in which my best friend died in front of me. I went to rehab straightened my life out. Shortly after my dear childhood died from cancer. So many people were there for me during times of sorrow and hard times, I shunned out any help from great people within the British ranks/EITC. I’m now 3 years clean. Aside from that. I deeply re…

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Maxamillion Phillip Beckett Maxamillion Phillip Beckett 1 January 2017

Happy New Year's ! What 1750 Could Bring !

​1 January 1750

​Cumberland, North West England

​Office of Maxamillion Phillip Beckett

​1750 is here and I believe we are in store for a big year in role-play again. We haven't had the same care and love for role-play and this community since POTCO and it's drastic hault. Just one year ago today, I made a blog addressing how I was excited for the summer of 1749 and the beginning of a new era in TLoPo. One year later, I'm just getting started on the game, and experiencing the nostalgia and excitement of playing again. We have been lied too, pushed away, and forgotten as a community for this three year long drought, but finally we can put our chins up and see a door possibly opening. I saw myself coming back to the wiki and seeing the same guys…

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Bart Swordfury Bart Swordfury 20 December 2016

A time to make amends.

BLOG VOID, just shoot one another and blow crap up.

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Leonhard Bosch Leonhard Bosch 17 December 2016

New Regiment of the Dutch Empire

Dear Britain and her subjects,

On this day, the sixteenth of December in the one thousand seven hundredth and fourty-ninth year of our Lord, I, Sir Leonhard Bosch II, King of the Netherlands, do hereby declare changes to the state of Dutch foreign relations.

  • First, I am from hereon cutting all affiliations with the British, and her allies. This sanction is effective immediately. Your alliance was dearly valued, but are coming to a close.
  • Second, the Netherlands will be declared in a state of piracy. With affiliations to Britain and her allies cut, the Dutch will be turning its focus to plundering, and other activities of piracy.
  • Third and foremost, I will be ascending to the Brethren Court as a Pirate Lord. My Caribbean territories will be all…
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Leonhard Bosch Leonhard Bosch 14 December 2016

Announcing My Acension to the Dutch Throne

On the thirteenth of December, in the one thousand fourty-ninth year of our Lord, I, Leonhard Bosch II, have been bestowed the throne of the Netherlands by Nathaniel Huntington I. I am a man of few words, but I simply wanted to say that I will strive to serve the Dutch with my best intentions.

Thank you for your time,

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Daedrius Urocyon Daedrius Urocyon 11 December 2016

End of an Era

I've had time to think today, about everything that has taken place. I have come to the conclusion that is perhaps for the better. It's maybe time that I accept this void placed upon me by Andrew Palmer of Massachusetts, let me be written off and erased from RP. It was semi-fun while it lasted, but in the end, all things must die one way or the other. I appreciate those of you who tried to help me, but I don't see any way around this. My appeals have gone unheard, which only further drives home that this is it for me. Let the record stand, that for a rare moment in my RP career, I, Matthew O'malley, shall admit defeat and yield to the victor. I hereby surrender willingly any claims I have held and bequeath what little falsehoods that RP gr…

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EmpressBluefeather31 EmpressBluefeather31 10 December 2016

Goodbye... For Now.

Hello everyone. As I stay up late typing this, sleep deprived, hungry, and tired, I realized something. I came here to make friends and be in a community. It has become overly dramatic and stupid, roleplay has no point. I think it was fun while it lasted, but it is just stupid and does not compare to real life. As I say this, I would like to say that I am quitting roleplay, possibly for good. This fake drama causes stress and Leonhard coming back made me realize that I am just wasting my precious sleep and roleplay held me back from really living my life. I truly love all of you guys, I really do. But alas, like Lawrence, I must go too. I have to focus on my studies and trying to heal from the loss of my cat, and living my life to the full…

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Rose Beckett Rose Beckett 26 November 2016

Winter Ball

A community is about coming together.. so to bring us all together again I will be hosting a ball on December 2nd, this event will be all day, so everyone can enjoy. Hope to see everyone there.

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EmpressBluefeather31 EmpressBluefeather31 3 November 2016


Hello everyone. I have not been on a whole lot recently. I have been having a really hard week, and I am trying to cope with the loss of my beloved cat Colors. My family had to put her asleep on Tuesday night. I am not okay right now, but I will be in time. My RA told me that it is okay to not be okay. It is really hard for me right now but I am trying to keep my head up. I am taking a break from the wiki so I can focus on helping myself feel better,  take time to mourn, and also to get myself on a good track again. I need to keep my grades up and do my best in school as well.  I am going to use my grief and sadness for something good, and remember the good memories I had with my cat and that she had a good long life filled with love. She …

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Rose Beckett Rose Beckett 12 October 2016

Battle Royale of Roleplayers

Introducing to the world roleplay community the first ever Battle Royale. Any member of the wikia can contribute. Rules for signing up will be to specify whether you have magical abilities or not, if it is not obvious. There will be a Powered division and a non-powered division. Any weapons of this time period can be used. Any magic can be used as long as other can verify that you have used that power before, (to avoid god-modding). This will be updated as people sign up. The first matches will be on Monday, October 24th, (because Mondays need to be more interesting.  At 8 central standard time. After a certain number of people have signed up for the battle a bracket of contesters will be put up. Please sign up!

Comment below to sign up to …

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Rose Beckett Rose Beckett 25 September 2016

Autumn Ball

I invite everyone of the tlopo roleplay community to a ball on October 12th, starting from 4:30 central time.  This ball will be a huge success if we can get as many people online as possible. 

Theme: Halloween (yes i know its early)

Food: There will be food from every country.

Music: Music will be performed by Sir Handel or any composer who would like to attend.

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Rose Beckett Rose Beckett 15 August 2016

2016 Quotes of the Year

These quotes are from either Gamer Fanon or Por Britain, please comment a quote so it can be added to the blog.


"Old, dead disgusting body," - King of France referring to Johnny Goldtimbers.

"Never gets old, - Cadet referring to Johnny's body.

"My son agrees with me." - Johnny Goldtimbers.

"What's good Giorgio" - Cadet.

"Anastasia Bytchhh" Queen Grace of Portugal talking about her favorite Princess.

"Yes Ishamel is a bloody dolt of a mongering moron", Bart Swordfury talking about the Pagan Ishmael.

"People can change, or they can die", Bart vaguely threatening people.

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Blake Stewart Blake Stewart 29 July 2016

Presidency of The United States: If you could vote

The title pretty much says it all. If you are/could vote in the upcoming election, who would you vote for?

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Victoria Risa Diverti Victoria Risa Diverti 27 July 2016

Volkov Family

Here is the real Volkov family. It has nothing to do with the second Decksteel family. This is made for precision as some people get mad and talk about this while being completely ignorant.

Father: Mikhail Volkov

Mother: Samantha Volkov


Francis Volkov

Bart Volkov

Luckey Volkov

Emily Volkov

Liz Volkov

The dead twins.

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Jack Bluehawk Jack Bluehawk 25 July 2016

Edict of Grievances to the King of Sardinia (July 25, 1749)

Louis, by the grace of God king of France and Navarre, to all present and to come, greeting:

King Ishmael Emmanuel III of Savoy, our former friend and ally, had discounted the nations of Europe with their requests of negotiation and peaceful resolution to solve the issue of King Ishmael's recent excommunication for his abandonment of the one true faith and the forceful conversion of his nation's people to his barbaric Pagan faith. "Outside the Church there is no salvation".

This is deplorable but it is not why we have been forced to make this address today. Our father has been insulted therefore we have been insulted. King Ishmael of Savoy boasts claims that he has married one of my daughters without my consent, but I recall no daughter of m…

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Johnny Goldtimbers Johnny Goldtimbers 24 July 2016

Chat rules update - full effect immediately

Due to recent complaints of abuse of the leniency of our chat mods, the rule below will be fully enforced without question. We apparently cannot all get along nicely/insult people polietely without using profanity, so your privlege to use said profanity is hereby revoked. 

  • Minor swearing is allowed, (censored profanity will be allowed as long as it isn't an insult) (such as "ass", "hell", "bastard", "crap", "wench" and "damn"), albeit not as insults. (racist slang/terms will not be tolerated; EX: "n*****). This rule shall not be abused or used excessively, or be used to insult other users. Anyone who uses profanity as an insult will be kicked. If a user then continues after he has been kicked/warned, they shall be banned. Ban lengths are de…

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EmpressBluefeather31 EmpressBluefeather31 18 July 2016

POR Britain Wiki Ball

Hey guys! Chat has been quiet recently, so I decided to brighten things up a little by hosting a little ball on this wiki chat, tonight! It is starting right now (10:50 pm EST), and is going to be going on for a few hours. Come and stop by, there will be dancing, lots of music, and food! Have fun! The theme is masquerade, but it is not mandatory. Joseph said I could throw a ball here if I wanted to, and I wanted more people to come on chat, so I am hosting this ball! Thanks everyone! 

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Johnny Goldtimbers Johnny Goldtimbers 16 July 2016

Allies of the Habsburg - First battle against Ishmael

Copied from Facebook chat with Ishmael. Hannah Bluefeather does not own any Total War games, hence I will fight in her place.

Without POTCO or TLOPO to provide SVS/PVP, war must be fought on a game that both factions/parties own/have access to; both must agree to a predetermined set of rules and both parties but publically accept/agree to those rules/terms, and land/region the battle is being fought for, prior to battling to ensure fairness and the legitimacy of the battle itself.

  • Game: Napoleon: Total War 
  • Land fought over: Presumed territory of the Kingdom of Sardinia 
  • Map: Spanish Lakeside 
  • Time limit: Unlimited 
  • Factions: Ishmael (Russia/Defender), myself (Austria/Attacker)
  • Unit Size: Ultra 
  • Funds: Large
  • Weather: Presumed Dry
  • Time of Day: Presum…

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EmpressBluefeather31 EmpressBluefeather31 15 July 2016

A Letter About Sardinia

From the desk of Her Majesty, the Archduchess of Austria

On this day of July 15th, 1749 (2016) 

Greetings all, I have a letter for you. In these stressful times as of late, I want to make something clear to all of you. Recently, there has been a stirring, if you will. A Pagan King, a traitor, a foolish leaader, a forger of signatures, an ignorant man who we thought was our ally and our friend, Ishmael Decksteel, has declared war on all of us. He has tried to claim all of Italy, and when we try to interfere, he ignores all of us, and claims his roleplay as rightful and ours as nothing. Well, Ishmael, and your wife Daenarys Decksteel, listen up. This is our roleplay, not yours. You messed with the wrong community. We are one of honor, of fami…

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Rose Beckett Rose Beckett 13 July 2016

If My Father was Greedy

Yesterday in chat there was alot of talking, and I came up with this idea as a result. Hypotethically what villian from the Pirate's franchise do you think my father would marry me off to suit his interests. Consider possiblities of alliances and my father wants to be as greedy as possible. Also I'm really bored and decided to make this blog.

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EmpressBluefeather31 EmpressBluefeather31 6 July 2016

A Formal Apology

From the desk of Her Majesty, the Archduchess of Austria,

JULY 5TH,  1749 (2016), 11:16 PM

Hello all. It is Hannah Bluefeather. My friends, I am writing this to publicly apologize for the actions taken and the uncalled for and rowdy behavior at my wedding. I also would like to formally apologize for any kickbans, ruffled feathers, clenched fists, and any inconveniences it might have caused to the citizens of Britain and any others. I am very sorry. I am a kind leader and I apologize for any trouble these events might have caused. My country maintains a strong alliance with Britain, and I assure you, there was no intent for disrespect. I am very sorry, I hope you understand, Have a good night.


Hannah Bosch (Bluefeather) of Austria

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Lord Andrew Mallace Lord Andrew Mallace 6 July 2016

Official Decree: Post-Wedding Demands from Britain




FOLLOWING an unprecedented amount of disrespect towards the Britsh crown and its officials, The King and the High Command of Britain demand an apology from the Austrian officials. British citizens were subject to rude barring in the form of kickbans from the wedding, and received a disgusting lack of general respect for all of our accomplishment and our gracious alliance with Austria.

That being said, we demand an official apology from the leader of Austria for the inconveniencies our citizens incurred during the wedding. If our demands are not met, expect a further blog explaining future consequences for such vulgar actions. AS OUR CONDITIONS HAVE BE…

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John Breasly John Breasly 4 July 2016

The New Privy Council

In accordance with both the advocacy in Parliament for the removal of the Privy Council and recent events concerning the state of the British Empire, I have constructed a new Privy Council which will consist of members designated to advise me on different aspects of life in the Empire.  They will serve as advisors, both eyes and ears to the King, and are completely trusted to act in the good faith of both the Crown and it's subjects.

The list will serve as:

  • Lord President - Lord Frederick Augustus II
    • Heads the council and represents the council in the Cabinet of the Prime Minister
  • Economic Advisor - Lord Samuel Harrington
    • Speaks on behalf of the economic interests of the British Empire
  • Advisor of the Realm - Lord John-Luke Goldtimbers
    • Speaks on beha…
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EmpressBluefeather31 EmpressBluefeather31 27 June 2016

Birthday Party for Jason Blademorgan!

Hello everyone! I just wanted to say a big Happy Burfday to an awesome person, Jason Blademorgan! Elisabeth requested I make a blog post to tell you all we will be throwing a birthday party in this wiki's chat today for him!  Come on to enjoy the festivities, at 8 pm EST. Thanks and be sure to wish him a Happy Birthday!

Note: Any troublemakers or violence at this party will not be tolerated, and will result in them getting kicked or temporarily banned until the party is over. Try to be polite, have fun, and keep it under control, this is a fun party after all!

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Leonhard Bosch Leonhard Bosch 25 June 2016

The Wedding of Leonhard Bosch and Hannah Bluefeather

On this day, June twenty-fifth, in the 1749th year of our Lord, I am announcing my marital bond with Hannah Bluefeather. We shall be married on July 5th, at 8PM CST.

The wedding shall take place in the Dutch Empire wiki chat, on July 5th at 8PM CST.

You shall receive a message from myself, or Hannah on your message wall. You may bring one guest with you. Those who did not receive an invitation will be kicked from the Dutch chat, and be issued a temporary ban until the wedding is over, if necessary.

Thank you for choosing to attend, and may God bless you.

From the desk of,

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Lord Andrew Mallace Lord Andrew Mallace 24 June 2016

Statement from the Tories

I want to begin by paying tribute to Giovanni Goldtimbers who has spoken earlier from Downing Street, and I know I speak for every HCO when I saw how sad I am that he has decided to step down but obviously I respect that decision.

I have known Giovanni Goldtimbers for a very long time, and I believe he has been one of the most extraordinary politicians of our age. A brave and principled man, who has given superb leadership of his party and his country for many years.

Delivering one nation whig government, making this country the most dynamic economy in Europe and with his own brand of compassionate Conservative that rightly earned his party the first majority government for decades.

It was his bravery that gave this country the first referend…

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Sir Joseph Grey Sir Joseph Grey 24 June 2016

Statement from the Bank of England

The people of Great Britain have voted to leave the LIN. Inevitably, there will be a period of uncertainty and adjustment following this result. There will be no initial change in the way our people can travel, in the way our goods can move or the way our services can be sold. And it will take some time for the United Kingdom to establish new relationships with Europe and the rest of the world. Some market and economic volatility can be expected as this process unfolds. But we are well prepared for this. The Treasury and the Bank of England have engaged in extensive contingency planning and the Chancellor and I have been in close contact, including through the night and this morning.

The Bank will not hesitate to take additional measures as…

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Johnny Goldtimbers Johnny Goldtimbers 24 June 2016

My formal resignation as Prime Minister due to current events

Good morning everyone, the country has just taken part in a giant democratic exercise, perhaps the biggest in our history.

Over 16 million people from England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland and Gibraltar have all had their say.

We should be proud of the fact that in these islands we trust the people for these big decisions.

We not only have a parliamentary democracy, but on questions about the arrangements for how we've governed there are times when it is right to ask the people themselves and that is what we have done.

The British people have voted to leave the League of Independent Nations (LIN) and their will must be respected.

I want to thank everyone who took part in the campaign on my side of the argument, including all those who put aside part…

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THE CODEX: A Proposal for Roleplay in Wikia Chat.

  • 1 A Proposal for the Streamlining of Roleplaying in the Community Chat.
  • 2 Solution for the Hitting, Wounding and Dodging
    • 2.1 Rolling to Attack (Shooting, Stabbing etc))
    • 2.2 Rolling for Dodging
  • 3 Solution for Magic
  • 4 Time Period Smart
  • 5 Ideas, comments, etc?
  • 6 Please give your support or objections below in comments.

Welcome to the first edition of the Codex, which is naturally subject to talk and change over a period of time with the community. For so long I have been seeing these rediculous Jackie Chansque fights, where no one ever seems to get wounded and just keeps fighting till eventually we've got bored!

People just keep on fighting, "Richard Venables pulls out his pistol and shoots Lawrence" "Lawrence dodges and swings around his sword" and it keeps …

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Rose Beckett Rose Beckett 21 June 2016

A Cordial Invitation

On June 25th, 1749, Spain will be hosting a ball in the Palace of Westminster in honor of the end to fighting between the British and Spanish. 

Etiquette: Please be respectful, roleplay to your heart's content. If you wish to form better relationships with Spain, the King and I will be also in the Spanish Empire chat, to discuss relations.

Theme- Masquerade.

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Ronold Cobens Ronold Cobens 19 June 2016

Declaration of Sovereignty and Autonomy

Kiev, Ukraine Province

June 18, 1749

Many of you know me, many of you don't. I was once a freedom fighter, but was severely injured by the imperialists nearly a year ago. I have spent the better part of the year recovering from my injuries, and contemplating life and where I have come with the Sarunu Order. In the course of my thoughts, I have continued to notice and ackowledge the evils of imperialism. Great Britain, Spain, Russia, Switzerland, Austria, and the Ottoman Empire. Imperialistic nations with one goal in mind; domination. To the people of the world: these men you have put in power, they're animals. They think nothing of you, nor your kin and have but one goal in mind, to consolidate their power and spread it around to increase th…

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Bart Swordfury Bart Swordfury 16 June 2016

A wedding to remember

The wedding of one Bartholomew Swordfury and a Jade Stormfury shall take place thursday the 23 of june, Anno Domini 1749. All are most cordially invited to the ceremony. More details to come...

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PVP SWTOR for Sardinia India Battle Ishmael Decksteel

ISHMAEL VENABLES say he was going to duel pvp one v one on SWTOR but he tell me time and place and time come he chicken out because i was higher level. He think I not have a swtor character and think it easy win. he wrong. He need contact me time and place for new duel in next three day or he forfeits and I keep decksteel name and India and I get sardinia and i am not illitimate bastard. 

I am jedi master Sileas 

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Parax. Parax. 22 May 2016

all hail the true king of spain

just wanted to say hail cadet

he's hereby sponsored by parax

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London Under Attak By Spain

I am pretty sure London is doomed, unless you guys hurry and prepare to defend it. I think Pearson will win though, he is pretty good at this.

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Johnny Goldtimbers Johnny Goldtimbers 21 May 2016

Ministerial Order: Ban on all communication with potco-world-roleplay.wikia

21 MAY 1749 



Good Evening, it has come to the attention of His Majesty's Government that several members of this wiki and this kingdom have frequently visited and entertained a known individual that some time ago was declared a discreditable source of information. Pearson Wright is the individual I refer to.

Now, I know several days ago we were all invited to his domain to discuss the possibility that Pearson would relinquish his claims on all of Europe, but of course like most discussions with Pearson, they stray away from the original topic and move on to something completely different. Why, may you ask? It was most evident that Pearson only desired to lure us onto his single-user wiki to discuss…

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