Palace of Westminister,
2 June 1750
After 3 months since Parliament's spring session was cancelled, it is time to begin the Summer Session of 1750. I am thus, in my capacity as Speaker of the House of Lords, obliged to send out an official writ of invitation to all constituencies and their respectful representatives to make for London with haste.
A plethora of topics shall be touched on upon the meeting of the most honourable representatives, including but not limited to:
- A motion to ratify the Vienna Accords
- A motion to ratify an renewed alliance between Spain and the "Spanish Syndicate"
- A debate on the dispute between the Netherlands and Great Britain over St. Martin and the issue of Piracy
- Appointment of the new governors of the West Indies
- A parliamentary review of Britain's current alliances and diplomatic relations
- A vote upon the Swiss request for British assistance in establishing their TLOPO guild
In addition, Prime Minister's Questions will be held at the conclusion of these several topics. If the entirety of the session is used up on these stated topics, then PMQ's shall be rescheduled for later in the week in order to make room for additional topics that MP's wish to address.
This upcoming Summer Session has been set to begin this Sunday, the 4th of June, with a State Opening the night before. I beseech all delegates to attend, in order to make possible the exhibition of your constituencies' needs. A Privy Council banquet will be held, in addition to numerous other festivities planned for this weekend before the State Opening.
Warmest regards,