ACT of PARLIAMENT: Citizen Forum Act
25 Geo 2 c. 20
10 NOVEMBER 1751
An act for better introduction of ideas of reform into Parliament
WHEREAS the lack of public awareness and participation in this nation's political processes, as well as the lack of British subject-citizen constituents communicating to MPs of their choice which draws into question how we may reform and encourage political participation not only on a national level but a guild-based level has been drawn into question.
DEFINITIONS: MP (Member of Parliament): The representative of the voters/citizens to a parliament limited currently as of November 1751 to 64 seats in the House of Commons, which are volunteer positions rather than traditional elected officials.
Parliament: A legislative body of government. Generally, a modern parliament has three functions: representing the electorate, making laws, and overseeing the government via hearings and inquiries.
I. IMPLEMENTATION: The creation of a channel or public forum open to British Citizens to voice simple ideas of reform and have it be, "reacted" to to determine whether it is worthy of drafting into a detailed bill to be presented before Parliament for debate and vote. Ingame opinion polls or inquiries can be relayed by other citizens and "quoted" for voting.
II. PURPOSE: This would allow citizens to voice simple suggestions and ideas without fully fleshing it out, and going into detail, aka writing long paragraphs of elaboration, which could put off individuals from contributing, allowing that to be done by the MPs at a later date for presentation before this Honourable House.
III. ACCESSIBILITY: This channel or public forum should be accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to all citizens of the empire, and any attempts to restrict public participation will be considered a felony, and shall be handled by the judicial system of Great Britain.
IV. ABUSE: Individuals found to abuse this civil right and instead of contributing positively for the benefit of the nation, but instead to "troll", spam or disrupt this channel can at the British officials discretion have their ability to contribute revoked temporarily, or permanently, but they may not be restricted from VIEWING said channel under any means, unless they are found to be a foreign agent.
V. PARTICIPATION: In the event that this channel is not used, or there is a severe lack of participation by the public, a vote of Parliament may be issued by any MP to DELETE and or ARCHIVE this channel after 1 month of this channels' existence, and shall revert to the current system of national reform via a democratic process known as Parliament, whereas British citizens communicate with any given MP of their choice to voice their opinions, and seek to have that certain MP represent their concerns, interests, and ideas before Parliament whether it be in the form of a bill of Parliament, or a question posed to the Prime Minister and HM Government.
Drafted by the Duke of Newcastle. Passed in Parliament by a vote of 14-0.