15 MARCH 1751
An Act for repealing certain enactments relating to civil procedure which have ceased to be in force, or have become unbearable, and for the better regulation and management of the East India Company by reinstatement of the prerequisite concerns established in “The Subjugation of the EITC Act of 1748”, by formally dissolving the East India Company’s Black Guard, and bringing the Company to heel under the direct control of Parliament once more.
Be it enacted by the House of Lords and House of Commons of the Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland in Parliament assembled.
In light of the recent March Revolt, wherein our second and spin-off guild, Black Mercenary, was hijacked by exiled former “Lords of the EITC”, namely; Lord Samuel Redbeard, 1st Earl of Harrington; Lord Nathaniel Scurvyskull; Lord Davy Menace; and Lord Leon Goldtimbers III, and used by these traitors to declare independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain, in violation of the Concerns Towards the EITC Act of 1748, Subjugation of the EITC Act of 1748, and the Repealing the East India Act of 1750, collectively referred as the East India Acts (1748-1750), it has become apparent that time after time, the East India Company continues to overstep its boundaries, and cannot be trusted with self-governance.
After being nationalized following the Subjugation of the EITC Act 1748, then granted charter to work under HM Government by the East India Act 1750, and finally its Court of Directors dissolved following the Repealing the East India Act 1750, the East India Company’s private military, the afamed Black Guard, was allowed to organize itself under semi-independence, overseen by HM Treasury. The Black Guard ran a smooth and efficient guild, thanks to the efforts of founder General Sir Pulp Daggerlord (alias of Benedict Goldtimbers), founding “War-master” Colonel Vice Daggerlord (alias of Marcus Livingston), Vice Admiral Sir Hannibal Flores, and High Admiral Nakoma Wolf. It established itself as an elite mercenary force, an asset of the now nationalised East India Company, that would cater itself out to foreign nations and to its mother country.
Yet, as all things, the excellence of the reformed Black Guard came to an end, this time not due to default from foreign war debts, nor from disagreements with the Government, but from internal issues amongst the leaders. Lords Nathaniel Scurvyskull and Samuel Redbeard seized this sign of weakness, as an opportunity to hijack the Black Guard, bringing it under their yolk. This caused a massive disconnect within the guild, gutting their numbers, and their most active, dedicated members. Lords Nathaniel and Samuel attempted to reintroduce the strict wartime policies they had once enacted, and used brute force, shattering the guild’s chemistry and bonds. Vice Admiral Flores fled the guild, while Colonel Livingston and Nakoma Wolf declared their loyalty to King and Country.
General Pulp Daggerlord sought to atone for his mistakes, and entered into contact with HM Government, namely Prime Minister Newcastle. At Newcastle’s advice, Pulp Daggerlord managed to convince Lord Nathaniel to arrange for Guildmastership to be transferred back to Pulp temporarily, in order to assure the loyalty of the remaining Black Guard members. After Pulp handed over Guildmastership to Lord Newcastle himself, the traitors were arrested for their crimes.
The conspirators were promptly sentenced as follows. Lord Samuel Redbeard, 1st Earl of Harrington - Charged with High Treason and Conspiracy to Commit High Treason (Permanent Exile) Nathaniel Scurvyskull - Charged with High Treason and Conspiracy to Commit High Treason (Permanent Exile) Lord Leon Goldtimbers III - Charged with High Treason and Conspiracy to Commit High Treason (Permanent Exile) General Sir Pulp Daggerlord - Charged with Desertion, Collusion of an Act of High Treason, and Conspiracy to Commit High Treason Cpt. Gregor Jones - Charged with Collusion of an Act of High Treason Cpt. Jason Sunskull - Charged with Collusion of an Act of High Treason Cpt. Sam Wartimbers - Charged with Collusion of an Act of High Treason Cpt. Thomas Mcward - Charged with Collusion of an Act of High Treason Lt. Ben Firehawk - Charged with Collusion of an Act of High Treason
The collaborators will go on trial later this month for their numerous heinous crimes against the Crown.
This does not solve the problems, however. My Lords, it should be more evident now than ever that an independent East India Company CAN NOT exist. Within three months the Empire has lost one guild of 300 and one of 500. These East India revolts can not continue to occur, if we intent to secure the stability of the Empire. Therefore, in order to ensure the security and continuing stability of this Empire, then this body must reorganize the East India Company into what it was originally chartered to be, a trading company.
Accordingly, I motion before this body under the full extent of Parliamentary Sovereignty, under the authority of the collective East India Acts, to formally disband and demobilize the East India Trading Company’s private military forces, including the Black Guard, Beckett’s Armada, and all other aspects of Sepoy Regiments within India, to formally alter the charter of 1600, 1657, 1699, 1722, 1748, and 1750 by regulating the nationalized East India Company and dissolving it’s privilege to establish and administer any privatized military program in the future. I motion to formally move this body to a consensus that “The British Empire” shall from henceforth be the one true guild representing the Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland, its Royal Navy, its Army, the EITC, and the civilian populace of the realm. Secondary guilds shall NOT be established, lest by Parliamentary special order by a declaration of at least 2/3 majority vote. I further move that this body instruct all current members of “Black Mercenary” to report themselves before TBE recruitment officers, under directive of the Paymaster of the Forces, to formally report for duty within the British Empire.
The British Empire has merged between ourselves MANY times in the past. Black Mercenary is not the first branch-off of the main British guild, and, while it's feats are certainly impressive, the events of last week bear the same fruits of dissent that we have seen in the last EITC rebellion, not four months ago.
IF members of the Black Mercenary feel no connection to the mother guild, is that not the fault of the prior East India administration, which FAILED to make a connection with TBE?
The LORD GENERAL was requested MULTIPLE times to SPECIFY that Black Mercenary and The British Empire were and always have been sister guilds. He failed to do so, MULTIPLE times.(edited) IF a member feels no connection to the British Empire, then WHY are they in Black Mercenary in the FIRST place?
TBE had a large part in the early growth of the Black Mercenary. Among the first 30 members, were alts of British Cabinet members. Maxamillion Phillip Beckett was an officer within the Black Mercenary spanning an entire month, and he helped lay the foundation of what Black Mercenary is, which is why he has been an outspoken critic of my bill. James Goldtimbers was also a British official, who moved over his main character into Black Mercenary to help with recruitment efforts. Not to mention, the Prime Minister himself being EXTREMELY intertwined with the guild discord, always willing to offer advice.
Perhaps there could have been more interactions between the guilds, however it was made to seem that the High Command of BM was trying to in a way, escape our oversight. EMBASSIES were set up between the Black Mercenary and FOREIGN POWERS, without the KNOWLEDGE of the BRITISH GOVERNMENT.
IF Sir Daggerlord did not COMMUNICATE with his HIGH COMMAND, namely NAKOMA WOLF and SIR FLORES, then HOW is it to be expected that he was at the same time transparent with the British government. In short, a COMPLETE LACK of leadership from the High Command of Black Mercenary throughout this entire ordeal.
The role of a High Commanding Officer of a guild/nation/entity/organization/group/etc is to ENSURE that whatever guild/nation/entity/organization/group that they are running is ran smoothly. If the leader is remiss in his duties, is it not within the proper prerogative of the deputies to steer in the proper course? May I inquire why you, an HCO, took no initiative to involve yourself in the relationship between TBE and BM? I do not expect you to 'read his mind', but the British would assume that you would be expected to read his mannerisms.
After all, Black Mercenary is only 3 months old, it's not like it's a guild that has been around for seven years and that TBE is ripping apart. You all have only known eachother for 3 months, and look how close the bonds have grown. Why are members of TBE not to be afforded that chance?
Black Mercenary adheres to a STRICT Roleplay discipline, whilst allowing its members to BREAK Tlopo ToU, and there have been several instances of members of the Black Mercs being BANNED. Not only that, but Black Mercenary has already given itself a BAD NAME with TLOPO itself, due to the lax attitude on TLOPO ToU, and all the drama that Pulp Daggerlord initiated with other guilds and rivals. Meanwhile, TBE strives to boost an open, semi-casual, free, and democratic organization, which, in the end STRICTLY adheres to TLOPO TOU. Unlike Black Mercenary, we hold our members accountable, there are REAL consequences for giving British Empire a bad name. The administration of the Black Mercenary was far too lenient in these efforts.
We have 2 "maxed" guilds, that we could easily combine into one guild, with TRUE unity, transparency, and organisation. East India Co. failed because of it's leadership's lack of care. Black Mercenary failed because of it's lack of LEADERSHIP ITSELF. It is very much a reason to merge, if the administration of Black Mercenary cannot conform to our HIGH STANDARDS, high standards that PULP Daggerlord promised to uphold.
As I said before, if members feel no connection to the British Empire in the first place, what reason to they have for even BEING in Black Mercenary.
May I also add, I highly doubt that the sex of the Guildmaster, determines which direction the guild goes in. We in Britain have nothing but respect for your dedication, hard work, and cohesiveness to build the Black Mercenary into a maxed guild.
The Black Mercenary was certainly an epitome of British excellence in the last couple months. It's members have been EXTREMELY admirable, which is why HM Cabinet has gone through such lengths to recover the guild from those who would have destroyed, tarnished, and prostituted its name (Redbeard, Nathaniel, etc). We cherish our comrades, our sister guild, and its members. "Power and order", Black Mercenary produced some excellent SVSers, and yes could line up in formation quite effectively, but as I mentioned previously, TLOPO ToU was widely ignored, hence a lack of discipline and organisation, and a blatant disregard for the guild's reputation and name.
A merger may be detrimental to the organization that Black Mercenary has established, but who's to say progressive change cannot be achieved. Britain has gone through numerous reforms in its long history, and has always driven forward as the moral high point of CRP, leading the rest of the free, democratic, non-Pearsonic elements. If we were to merge, the Black Mercenaries would of course keep their own status, and I believe that an appointment of the elected leader of the Black Mercenaries should be appointed President of the Board of Trade, representative of the EITC within HM Government.
The British Empire, if we merged, would become the largest guild in the game, once again. TBE is the most successful guild in TLOPO, and the inclusion of Black Mercenary would only bolster that.
I can assure you, Britain allows more platforms and avenues for expressing your voice than any other CRP nation. We hold WEEKLY Question's to the Prime Minister, open to any MP, we allow Citizens to involve themselves in our LAW-making legislature, this Parliament, which has supreme authority and is the final deciding factor in British law. I would argue that the members who believe that they are to be silenced, are simply not in understanding how things are truly ran here. We are not a dictatorship. We are not an oligarchy. We are the first democratic nation.
WE did not chose him though, we held him in high regard and ALLOWED him to RIVAL East India Co. and as long as he followed the East India Act that East India Co. was SUPPOSED to follow, we permitted him to be leader.
Pulp cannot be the sole individual to blame. If no officer, if no HCO can take ANY initiative to correct OBVIOUS policies and flaws, nor could they speak up in protest and have any real impact upon the guild as a whole, then why are they officers? Democratically elected officers to whom do not protect the interests of it's members should not be officers. In my honest opinion, Black Mercenary requires strong leadership, and a close connection with The British Empire. I believe it is obvious that the current administration cannot ensure this stability and this NECESSARY change/reform. A merge would most CERTAINLY solve this.
Pulp and the other HCO refused to address us as anything more than "our ally", and thus isolated us from the normal members of the guild who may not have been deeply engrossed in RP. It goes without doubt that the Prime Minister had a VERY active role in BM's discord, which is why I'm sure many are familiar with him already.
He's brought this up at least 10 times. This is an issue we always addressed and got vague answers from the HCO of BM. The past failures of Pulp Daggerlord will not be repeated.
I agree, we will lose members, but I believe they will warm up to the newly found civil liberties and rights they have as citizens under Britain rather than the one-man rule that Pulp Daggerlord enforced upon them keeping BM, and TBE in the dark while he chose what was best for the guild, not the PEOPLE. Just yesterday, the Prime Minister informed the cabinet of the UNITED effort in showing off training areas for low levels. WE will require our officials to work together in the future regardless of the merge.
If we have a GM from Black Mercenary, there will be little trust from TBE, if there is a GM from The British Empire then Black Mercenary will distrust them, so what compromise can we truly reach? Should we merge under ONE banner, both of these eventualities can be avoided. We all stand here today, on the same side of things. We are not absolutists. We are not here simply to idolize Johnny, or Breasly, or Pulp. We are all here, in Britain, because this is the story of ALL of us. Trust isn't easily gained, and we trusted Pulp Daggerlord and his HCOs, but when 2/3 of the Black Mercenary HCOs are either NOT transparent with us, or LIE to us directly, when we have given no reason for BM to DISTRUST us, as all of our advice, and policies we helped influence in BM have been for the SOLE benefit of Black Mercenary, hence the British nation as A WHOLE. Your success is our success.
Time to will heal all wounds, If a merge happens, we will Keep Calm and Carry On with the duties at hand. Business for the Black Mercs will continue as usual, just under another guild name, All British officials will maintain morale, and I assure you, the opinions of the Black Mercs WILL NOT BE cast aside as they were in the past. If anything unsettles them during a merge, we will give our reassurances as a nation. However, I must call upon them to SPEAK UP, and let their VOICE be heard.
It is with great reluctance that I have moved to this calling, but the Empire can no longer bear the burden of the EITC. This nation was given life stemming from our once Honourable East India Company, and it pains me. Whatever the faults of the EITC, its legacy should not and will not be stripped, discontinued, and forgotten. But sometimes before we can usher in the new, the old must be put to rest.
Drafted by the Leader of the House of Lords, the Earl Grey. Passed in Parliament.