28 JULY 1750
It has become a growing topic within His Majesty’s Government and among its Citizens. His Majesty’s guild ‘The British Empire’ has become the powerhouse of the entire Caribbean. Daily the ‘British Empire’ reaches a maximum of 500 players. With the new recruitment comes more opportunities as members are recruited into both the Royal Marines and the Royal Navy. These Branches were created to serve and protect His Majesty’s Kingdom. The British East India Trading Company once mirrored the same objective these guilds now serve. The Company was a symbol of British power within the Caribbean.
The Governor and The Lord Marshal of the British East India Trading Company would like to propose to Parliament on this day The East India Act of 1750. Britain has a large influence over the entire Caribbean. The act will restore the Company to its’ former prestige by creating a subsidiary guild under the parent ‘The British Empire’ guild. The elements in the act will contain new improvements to ensure that Britain’s grasp in the Caribbean will expand and remain unchallenged.
1.) The British East India Trading Company should be entrusted to continue The British Empire’s dominance over the Caribbean. The British East India Trading Company has its own new Armada and Infantry, adding more depth to Britain’s Military force. With a new guild, this will maximize the Company’s as well as Britain's enforcement over the Caribbean.
2.) The British East India Trading Company recognizes the fact that there are concerns about “splitting” between “The British Empire” guild and the newly established EITC guild. The Governor of the British East India Trading Company, would like to make it clear to all that there will be no “splitting” or “division” between the two guilds. The EITC is officially known as “The British East India Trading Company”. The Company is loyal to his Majesty and will be a subsidiary guild to The British Empire. Thus, if the parent guild is in an armed conflict or if the Company is mandated to address any issues, the British East India Trading Company will assist the British Empire.
3.) The British East India Trading Company recognizes the fact that there are concerns about a large majority of members leaving to assist the new established EITC guild. To ensure that The British Empire will not suffer a vast loss of members in the guild, The British East India Trading Company will not recruit any current members of The British Empire. The only members that will migrate to The British East India Trading Company guild are The Company’s High Commanding Officers. A total of eight members will leave including Brawlmartin, and an experienced former commanding officer to The Co. Empire ‘Thomas Chipshot’. Thomas Chipshot has personally expressed his aspiration to be subsequent to reforming The British East India Trading Company. The more experience the better, our experienced officers can guide the guild to prosperity.
4.) The Guildmaster of the newly established British East India Trading Company would be led by the Lord Governor William Brawlmartin. William Brawlmartin has displayed his ministration to the British East India Trading Company for over six years. The Prime Minister of England transferred the title of Lord Governor and Chairman of the Court of Directors to Brawlmartin with the Design to improve the Company’s intentions. Due to the limitations TLOPO in Alpha had to offer, the British East India Trading Company has stationed itself in a state of “hibernation” until Tlopo released into BETA allowing activity in the game to spike. It would benefit the new guild as well as the British Empire as each day more and more members flock to Tlopo to join and will be greeted by our guilds.
5.) The British East India Trading Company recognizes the fact that there are concerns about the possibility of HCO’s or the Guildmaster going to inactivity due to vacations, or family emergencies. To counteract this possibility, there will be a line of temporary succession placed. The succession list will consist of The High Commanding Officers ranked from highest to lowest of the EITC. The very last will consist of a British Official already registered in within the guild that will be active Guildmaster until the highest ranking commander will return to assume such position. Discord will be used to deliver communications between the HCO’s and Guildmaster to notify users if such a crisis arises and whom the Guildmaster title shall fall onto pending availability of the highest ranking officer.
6.) The newly established British East India Trading Company guild would welcome any Representative from The British Empire to overwatch and give weekly reports. Not only is contact critical to a secondary guilds success, this would reassure any concerns that Great Britain may have during the guilds operation. In years before there wasn’t much communication between the Primary and Secondary guild leading to confusion and distrust. Today we now have discord which allows us to communicate a lot easier, allowing us to transmit reports to the HCO’s. Officers of the British East India Trading Company are placed in the EITC servers and the British servers. Allowing us to place announcements for our guild members and at the same time keeping a very close connection to The British Government. Members of the EITC could communicate with each other and also allows British Officials to observe them and their behavior if they wish.
7.) The British East India Trading Company recognizes the fact that there are concerns about TLOPO’s future activity and how we will counteract. The High Commanding Officer’s of the British East India Trading Company will take as many precautions available to counteract the issue of TLOPO becoming an inactive game when new games will release in the future. Issues for inactivity will be addressed individually as they appear. For the British Empire, the previous year had a time where everyone was busy/inactive. The guild still managed to have 30+ daily.
8.) The High Commanding Officers’s of the company have been established by the Lord Governor. They are listed below: 1. Lord Governor Of The British East India Trading Company - William Brawlmartin 2. Lord Marshal Of The British East India Trading Company - Jack Stormrage 3. Marshal Of The British East India Trading Company - Jason Blademorgan 4. Lord Commissioner Of The British East India Trading Company - Thomas Chipshot 5. Lord Justice Of The British East India Trading Company - William Goldsilver
9.) The members that have been enlisted into the British East India Trading Company and will be departing from “The British Empire” guild are as follows: 1. William Brawlmartin 2. Jason Blademorgan 3. Jack Stormrage 4. Thomas Chipshot 5. Andrew 6. Georffrey Wildgrin ( Private in the Marines ) 7. William Goldsilver ( East India Trading Company Employee ) 8. Jake
The eight people that will be departing from the guild will leave the guild late at night when the guild is inactive in order to prevent members of The British Empire becoming concerned about the major loss of members. The Governor Of The British East India Trading Company would like to remind the members of parliament today that the reality of creating a new roleplay guild is that it does not start with one man. In 2007, Roleplay was introduced by Pablo Swordmaster. This was new and revolutionary. The idea of Roleplay has since then become a known phenomenon. The Lord Governor of The British East India Trading Company would also like to remind the members parliament today of the advantage the guild “The British Empire” had against its predecessors. The British government had a established system of members prior to the guild being created. When “The British Empire”was officially constructed on the game, it had received many of Britain’s constituents adding an extreme advantage to other guilds on the game, especially Roleplay ones. In reality, in order to create a structured guild and keep it stable within its early stages, is to have a number dedicated active officers, not vice versa.
10.) The British Empire is having difficulty removing inactive members from the guild. The guild currently consists of 490 members, and each day more join. The officers of the guild can no longer find an alternative to removing inactive members. This is simply because the members are all active. Thus, it would be a strategic movie for the British Empire to consider and approve a new subsidiary EITC guild to house the new players that join the game daily.
11.) The Prime Minister of England has confirmed to the citizens of England that we are officially at WAR with Nassau United. “Johnny Goldtimbers - Thursday at 10:25 PM EST “We are at war with Nassau United. But the majority of Nassau United's members are clueless to the actions of their GM. So, we must politely attempt to recruit members of Nassau United.” To follow up on this, it would be a strategic move for The British Government to allow the EITC guild to be established and recruit the Nassau United members, alongside the other third-party newcomer pirate members. It is requested to take into consideration of that The British Empire guild has been maxed for months and would have nowhere to house these Nassau United members. The British Government if concerned about said members being contained in The EITC guild may use their British Representatives in the guild to check in and out of the guild whenever they see fit. As stated in passage 2 regarding “The British Empire” guild going to war: “The Company is loyal to his Majesty and will be a subsidiary guild to The British Empire. Thus, if the parent guild is in an armed conflict or if the Company is mandated to address any issues, the British East India Trading Company will assist the British Empire.” (Passage 2. East India Act of 1750.)
12.) The Lord Governor would like to recognize the concerns of what the function of the new British East India Trading Company guild will take. The new guild will simply in some ways mirror the “British Empire” guild with it’s own military, housing it’s own community, and established system of governorship. To clarify how in terms of POTC canon soldiers of the EITC operated, a quote is provided from the official Pirates Wikia:” The British East India Trading Company Marines were Royal Marines who were transferred to the Company, because the lack of protection on the Company’s merchant ships. They were under the orders of Lord Cutler Beckett and his most trusted officers during the War Against Piracy, stationed throughout Port Royal and onboard Company ships.” Therefore, the ranks will work similar to the Marines ranking system and Navy ranking system. The ranks will be applied this way specifically for the reason that they will work hand in hand with each other for Naval and Infantry ranks on the TLOPO game. The Lord Governor would like to state to parliament today that every guild created in TLOPO technically serves the purpose to have it’s own Military, and house it’s own community of players. Until the game becomes further developed to offer more content, the EITC guild will simply mirror the functions of the “British Empire” guild as well as to be a subsidiary guild. The British East India Trading Company’s new guild would bring the solution to active members outweighing the inactive ones. The guild would recruit all the new active members flooding into the game allowing The British East India Trading Company to establish its own Military, Community, and Governorship, acting as a subsidiary guild to “The British Empire” guild. The British East India Trading Company guild will aid the expansion over the Caribbean along with the authority it will bring to His Majesty's guild "The British Empire”.
Closing Remarks. The sky's the limit for the British Empire, what we have in front of us is something truly remarkable. Never have we had a guild like ‘The British Empire’, it is the most powerful guild we have ever laid our eyes upon. With the restoration we will expand the British might and influence, there is so much to gain from the new guild. The guild will silence any doubt of Britain’s power and influence over the Caribbean. By the time we are finished no matter where or when you travel to the Caribbean, the flag of the British Empire and the British East India Trading Company will be flown high above every building. We hope you will agree.
~Lord Governor, William Brawlmartin ~Lord Marshal, Jack Stormrage ~The Marshal, Jason Blademorgan ~Lord Comissioner, Thomas Chipshot ~Lord Justice, William Goldsilver
Drafted by Sir William Brawlmartin and Mr. Jason Blademorgan. Passed in Parliament by vote of 26-6.